Staff Specialist - Emergency Medicine (518511)
Details of Appointment:
Multiple Permanent, full time and part time, shift worker (with on-call) position working up to 76 hours per fortnight
- Applicants should note that, for a period of twelve months from the date of publication, this selection process may be used to fill subsequent or similar full time and part time vacancies.
Why Tasmania?
It’s different here.
Life in Tasmania provides a quality work/life balance. Here you can pursue what drives you, both professionally and personally.
Today, as the rest of the world feels increasingly generic, our different-ness – our Tasmanian-ness – is among our most valuable assets. We invite you to be part of this special place, to quietly pursue the extraordinary, whether it be bushwalking, mountain biking or paddock to plate dining.
The rugged and beautiful North West Coast of Tasmania is a tourist mecca, has a strong agricultural sector, a developing innovative industrial sector and is positioned with airports and sea transport so it is very accessible to the rest of Tasmania and the Australian mainland. Air travel from Devonport to Melbourne is less than one hour.
Tasmanian | The quiet pursuit of the extraordinary
Who are we looking for?
We are seeking motivated and experienced Staff Specialists in Emergency Medicine (FACEM) and appropriately skilled and experienced Rural Generalists with Advanced skills in Emergency Medicine (RACGP and ACCRM Fellows) to join our Department of Emergency Medicine in Tasmania's North West Coast, a region servicing a population of approximately 116,000. Our department manages the Emergency Departments at the North West Regional Hospital (NWRH) and the Mersey Community Hospital (MCH), situated approximately 50 km apart, with each department managing approximately 30,000 presentations per annum. The NWRH is the regional trauma centre and has inpatient general medicine, general surgery, orthopaedics, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, ICU and mental health. Both departments operate a VST telemedicine program for acute stroke presentations. The MCH is a subacute hospital with limited general medicine inpatient services, and inpatient rehabilitation unit. Both EDs have excellent access to 24 hour pathology and 24 hour on call radiology services. Staffing is equivalent across both sites and consists of Staff Specialists, Registrars and Residents rostered to each shift.
The NWRH is accredited by the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) for 24 months training, and by both the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College for Rural and Remote (ACRRM) medicine for Advanced skills training in Emergency. At this time we have trainees from all three colleges working in our departments. Both departments are also accredited by ACEM for the Associateship Emergency Medicine Training Programs (Foundational, Intermediate and Advanced), and we have multiple FACEMS who are accredited as supervisors for these programs.
We are a small and inclusive group of specialists who have found NW Tasmania to be a beautiful place to live and an excellent location to pursue our professional goals. In our small group we have specialists with extensive experience and qualifications in diverse sub speciality areas including but limited to : toxicology, POCUS, paediatric emergency medicine, humanitarian projects and medicine, disaster medicine, clinical research, palliative care, VAD, medical education and administration. You will have the ability to develop a portfolio that matches your passion and skillset and be able to share this knowledge with trainees and colleagues alike. We are also a statewide hub for the EMET program and opportunities exist to be involved in this outreach educational program to the more remote areas in the NW including King Island and Queenstown.
You will have access to salary package a range of benefits including living expenses up to $9,010 + $2,650 in meal entertainment each FBT year + other benefits if eligible.
Base salary points range for Specialist Medical Practitioner Level 1 at $216,300 – Specialist Medical Practitioner Level 11 at $296,640 with further salary increments available at Senior Specialist Medical Practitioner Levels 1 – 3, with additional 11.5% employer superannuation contribution. Access to generous accommodation and relocation costs.
In addition, the following allowances calculated on the salaried incremental point may be available, but not limited to:
- North West Allowance in lieu of private practice of 35% pro rata
- North West Recruitment and Retention allowance of 20% pro rata
- Professional Development Allowance of up to $16480 per annum pro rata
- Fully maintained vehicle or allowance in lieu, up to $28,389 per annum pro rata
What Can We Offer?
- Contemporary, well equipped work environments
- 3 months funded accommodation to suit your family’s needs
- Flexible work/life balance, including exceptionally flexible rostering arrangements
- Attractive Salary Package, meeting parity with many mainland Specialist Awards
- Dynamic and diverse team
- Commitment to ongoing professional development
Essential Requirements
- Specialist or limited registration with the Medical Board of Australia in a relevant specialty
The Head of the State Service has determined that the person nominated for this job is to satisfy a pre-employment check before taking up the appointment, on promotion or transfer. The following checks are to be conducted:
- Conviction checks in the following areas:
- Crimes of Violence
- Sex Related Offences
- Serious Drug Offences
- Crimes involving dishonesty
- Identification check
- Disciplinary action in previous employment check.
Download the Statement of Duties and Associated Documents
Generic Staff Specialist - Emergency Medicine (NWRH & MCH) SMP1-11 (July 2023) CSU (1).docx
How to Apply
Online applications are preferred, please click the blue Apply Now button. If you apply online please do not send a hard copy application as well.
Complete the following application form and email your application to the listed contact person including the below form:
Post your application with the above application form to:
Tasmanian Health Service
Attention Donna Stubbs
PO Box 21
In order to be considered for this position it is a requirement that you complete a 1-2 page application detailing your experience, skills and knowledge as they relate to the attached Statement of Duties.
For More Information
Donna Stubbs
Phone: (03) 6478 5283
Position: Employment Consultant – Medical Services (NW)